It is hard when someone ask you to protect a person who does not want to be protected. I think you as her mother should advice her, why put the burden on me. I'm sorry but i have my limits to. I can't force someone to be somebody that they do not want to be. I've seen the ups & down but I only keep it to myself. Now I think it is getting very serious & you as the parents rely on me to take care of the situation. Who am I?? I'm just a person who wants to help her best friend. I know what she wanted to be right now is against our faith & beliefs, but I'm not in the position to tell her. That is your job to tell her, not me. Sadly, I think I have been a better person to her than you as her mother and that is wrong. You put so much trust on me to change her but I can only say 1 thing, BEFORE YOU WANT TO CHANGE OTHER PEOPLE, YOU HAVE TO CHANGE YOURSELF FIRST!!!!!!
Monday, 4 October 2010
Sunday, 5 September 2010
I WisH i Was Her
Posted by era cute at 02:42 0 comments
Saturday, 4 September 2010
BaJu RaYa
Posted by era cute at 20:53 0 comments
Friday, 3 September 2010
waTever La Weyh..
Posted by era cute at 00:32 0 comments
Thursday, 2 September 2010
kALau DiberI PeLUANG
Posted by era cute at 22:40 1 comments
BanDar yg dimaksodkn di bwh adlh bndr TTDI..sblm org wat spekulasi lg...dlu die ngn gang ak waktu form 1 bek gile2...smp la form 5 still ok ag just jrg tegor sbb klas die jauh ngn ak..time rehat je la ade mse nk jmpe..satu ari dikala ak brjln2 di TTDI..nmpk la die ngn kwn2 maksaleh...ala ala je maksaleh...pastu ak pon tegor la" hye awk....weyh dh lme xjmpe"....sedey xsedey nye die toleh je...pastu ajak kwn die bla...ak pon xphm dh 5 thn xjmpe...dlu2 ak tlg die bile xde dwet kt skola..waktu rehat nk bli kopok dh kwn ngn org2 hebat tros bla kwn2 lme..dgr masok uni kat australia..ok la..ak public je...ak simpan dndm nih..pastu nmpk kt fb die kutuk2 ak n kwn2 ak yg len..ak xbtaw lg dorg..I dont frends with KG!!! ish2...ak kampong sbb ak pki tudung!!! or sbb ak xlyk nk blja kt australia....pastu kwn2 die yg ak nmpk komen...u walk away like a bitch men...tgk la die kutuk ak n kwn2 ak yg len dgn kwn2 die yg ak xknl...pastu balak die msok..mmg ade laki kat situ..xtaw tu balak die..n then balak die kate "why is there still a KG kid in ttdi...i thought they wont pass through T,D&H(Tom Dick & Harry) bcoz its a pub!!! really shocked she when came at u to say HI...WTF!!! "...BI tunggang trbalik..pastu ak pk la ape prob bdk nih...xsioman ke..ak xpnh wat dosa pon kat die...dh brthun2 kot xjmpe...n dh speedmart sblh pub...ak lalu la...ape slhnye lalu ak bkn nye nk pi mnum arak mcm kamu hampa....ak open minded..blambak mmbr ak gi clubbing maksod nye rmi bdk skola kite tell u the truth.. u were once like others...wearing tudung...u always talk softly with others eventhough ive noticed u had changed after form fact u always "tudung" yg agak labuh bile kua...then u join this stupid cult i assume that had changed this pure innocent gurl...ak ingt ag..ko slalu bg ak tumpang kete mak ko g latihan rumah biru waktu skola rndh...then bru ak taw..bkn ak sje yg kne...sbnrnye best fren die dlu2 pon tgor die pon kne maki kat fb...seb bek ak bkn fren ko kat fb sbb ko ak taw ko sengaja xprivet kn fb ko...but xpe la..ak bknnye kesah but frankly speaking im still shocked..tu yg AK EMO kt bwh tuh....SEEMA tnya ni msti kwn disekeliling ko kn...nah SEEMA..ko nk taw...ak xnk btaw ko awl2 bcoz xde kne mengena ngn ko...pastu mne la taw ko btaw org len naty jd cite len....n ak dgr gak bdk nih slalu blk TTDI from australia die...hmmm...ak xtaw nk kate ape lg...ak dgr ade org mgkn trasa bce ak nye post kt bek ak cite dri dok diam sblm org len slh phm lg...
Posted by era cute at 21:55 0 comments
Post yg dibawah bkn brmakne sye gado ngn org yer...tu adlh sje je sye ltak...kata2 spt amaran pda jgn la wat spekulasi sje nk wat HOT!!!...ak menymph kt rmi org...trmsok org yg ddk ade di satu bndr nih...yg slalu blik kat bndr tuh...minah tu aishhhh...mcm poyo lah...di hebat sye xhebat....dlu snyum...skang nmpk pon toleh je la...dh hebat...sye sdar spe sye..dlu sme2 nek..skang die sdar yg die lg hebat..kwn dgn org ok la SELAMAT HARI RAYA....
p/s: ayt2 color merah ayt2 yg sje diletakkn....blom sah lg die cite btol ke x...sape yg trasa nseb bdn...PHM!!!
Posted by era cute at 02:02 0 comments